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How far can data support the transformation of health through AI?

MD, AI and Cybersecurity

The document “Jusqu'où les données peuvent-elles accompagner la transformation de la santé par l'IA ?” (meaning “How far can data support the transformation of health through AI?”) published by the Healthcare Data Institute explores the integration and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector. It highlights the potential of AI to optimize patient care, personalize care, and improve the management of health systems. AI has the power to transform both public health and individual care, facilitating diagnosis, optimizing care pathways, and enabling home monitoring of patients. The report identifies key areas of application of AI throughout the care journey, while highlighting that adoption of these technologies is uneven across the world, with leadership notably in the United States and China.

The document also addresses challenges related to the adoption of AI in healthcare, such as cultural, ethical, and regulatory concerns, which require a robust framework to protect patients while remaining agile enough not to hinder the innovation.

He concludes on the opportunity represented by AI to transform the healthcare sector, emphasizing the need for a multidisciplinary, human-centered approach to overcome ethical, regulatory, and operational obstacles.

The objectives of the report include:

  • exploring the state of the art of AI in health,
  • analysis of its impact,
  • the identification of the brakes and accelerators of its adoption,
  • and the proposal of recommendations for decision-makers, health professionals, and technology developers.

The report is based on a methodology including a review of existing literature, working group meetings, interviews with experts, and a benchmark of the main use cases of AI in health carried out by students.

The report also presents members of the working group and experts interviewed, as well as a detailed summary covering the state of play of the use of AI in the care pathway and the health system, brakes and accelerators of its adoption, as well as strategic recommendations for key stakeholders.

10 recommendations to remember

The document proposes a series of strategic recommendations for different key stakeholders in the healthcare sector to maximize the benefits of AI integration.

Here are the 10 recommendations that we can keep:

  • Development of a Flexible Regulatory Framework: Encourage the development of regulations that support innovation in AI while ensuring the security and protection of patient data.
  • Strengthening Cross-Sector Collaboration: Promote collaboration between healthcare professionals, researchers, technology developers, and decision-makers to accelerate the adoption of AI.
  • Improved Data Access and Interoperability: Promote access to large-scale health data and their interoperability to power AI algorithms.
  • Support for Research and Development: Increase funding and support for research projects in AI applied to health to stimulate innovation.
  • Training and Awareness: Invest in training health professionals in new technologies and raise public awareness of the benefits of AI in health.
  • Adoption of Ethical Standards: Establish ethical guidelines for the development and application of AI in health, guaranteeing respect for the rights and dignity of patients.
  • Evaluation and Certification of AI Solutions: Establish rigorous evaluation mechanisms to validate the effectiveness and security of AI solutions before their integration into healthcare practices.
  • Integration of AI into Care Pathways: Encourage the integration of AI solutions into standard care pathways to improve the quality and effectiveness of treatments.
  • Promotion of a Patient-Centered Approach: Ensure that AI solutions are developed taking into account the needs and expectations of patients, promoting a user-centered approach.
  • Strengthening International Cooperation: Encourage exchanges and sharing of knowledge between countries to benefit from global experience and innovations in AI in health.

These recommendations aim to create an ecosystem favorable to the adoption and development of AI in the health sector, by addressing technical, ethical, regulatory, and operational challenges.

What links can we find between this report and the AI Act?

The report on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the health sector and the European AI Act share several points of convergence, mainly around regulation, innovation, patient safety, and of the ethical use of AI. Although the report itself does not specifically address the AI Act, the recommendations and findings it presents are closely related to the objectives and concerns of this European legislation.

Here are the main links between the two:

  • Regulatory Framework for AI: The IA Act aims to establish a harmonized regulatory framework for the development and use of AI in the EU, with an emphasis on security, transparency, and respect fundamental rights. The report recommends a flexible regulatory framework that supports innovation while ensuring the security and protection of patient data, which resonates with the objectives of the AI Act.
  • Risk Management and Ethics: The AI Act classifies AI applications according to their level of risk, requiring higher standards of transparency and reliability for high-risk applications, such as those used in the healthcare sector. The report on AI in health highlights the importance of an ethical framework and patient protection, aligned with the AI Act's approach to specifically addressing high-risk uses of AI.
  • Interoperability and Access to Data: While the IA Act encourages the free flow of non-personal data as a way to support innovation and development of AI, the report emphasizes improving access and interoperability of health data to power AI algorithms, which is essential for the effective development of health AI solutions.
  • Training and Awareness: The AI Act recognizes the need to develop AI skills and raise awareness of its implications. The report also calls for investing in training healthcare professionals in new technologies and raising public awareness, reflecting a common concern to prepare society for the integration of AI.
  • International Collaboration: Although the AI Act is a European initiative, it paves the way for international cooperation by establishing standards that could be adopted or used as a reference beyond the EU. The report also encourages international collaboration to benefit from global innovations in AI in health, highlighting the importance of sharing knowledge and best practices.

These links show how the Health AI Report and the AI Act share a common vision of promoting the safe, ethical and effective use of AI in the health sector, while highlighting the importance of regulation , innovation, and education to fully realize the potential of AI.

What links can be found between this report and ISO-IEC 42001?

ISO/IEC 42001 is an international standard aimed at establishing requirements for quality management systems for medical devices using artificial intelligence (AI). Although the report on the integration of AI in the healthcare sector does not directly discuss ISO/IEC 42001, conceptual and thematic connections can be made between the two, especially with regard to health management. quality, patient safety, and responsible innovation in the development and use of AI in health.

Here are the main connection points:

  • Quality Assurance and Patient Safety: ISO/IEC 42001 focuses on the quality assurance of medical devices using AI, including guidelines to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these technologies. The AI in Health report also highlights the importance of a robust yet agile regulatory framework to protect patients while fostering innovation, which resonates with ISO/IEC 42001's goal of ensuring safety AI medical devices.
  • Interoperability and Access to Data: Although ISO/IEC 42001 primarily focuses on quality requirements for medical devices, facilitating access to health data and their interoperability is crucial for the effective development of healthcare solutions. 'AI. The report addresses the importance of data access and interoperability, key elements for compliance with quality and safety standards for AI medical devices.
  • Ethics and Responsibility: ISO/IEC 42001, with its emphasis on quality and safety, underpins the importance of an ethical approach in the development and use of AI in medicine. The report recommends the adoption of ethical standards for the development of AI in health, thereby aligning both with the principle of responsible innovation.
  • Innovation and Clinical Evaluation: ISO/IEC 42001 aims to encourage innovation in the field of AI medical devices while ensuring their rigorous clinical evaluation. The AI in Health report calls for supporting research and development in the sector, which includes evaluating the effectiveness and safety of AI solutions, fully aligned with the objectives of the ISO standard /IEC 42001.
  • Training and Awareness: For the successful implementation of AI medical devices in accordance with ISO/IEC 42001, adequate training of healthcare professionals is essential. The report on AI in health highlights the importance of training and awareness, not only for healthcare professionals but also for the general public, in order to maximize the benefits of AI in healthcare.

In summary, although the AI in Healthcare Report and ISO/IEC 42001 address related areas, they share a common commitment to responsible innovation, patient safety, and quality in healthcare. the use of AI in medicine, highlighting the importance of an adapted regulatory and normative framework for the future of AI in the field of health.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is continually redefining the boundaries of medicine and patient care, and the report “How Far Can Data Support AI’s Healthcare Transformation?” presents itself as an in-depth and insightful exploration of the possibilities, challenges, and future of AI in healthcare. Highlighting the transformative potential of AI to improve diagnostic accuracy, personalize treatments, and optimize health systems management, the report highlights the critical importance of data access, interoperability, and a flexible but solid regulatory framework.

Faced with cultural, ethical, and regulatory challenges, the document calls for a multidisciplinary and human-centered approach to overcome obstacles, while fully harnessing the benefits of AI to revolutionize the healthcare sector. The proposed policy recommendations aim to foster innovation, ensure patient safety, and encourage broader adoption of AI in healthcare, reflecting a balance between technological progress and ethical responsibility.

This report aligns with international normative or regulatory initiatives such as the AI Act and ISO/IEC 42001, sharing common objectives of promoting the safe, ethical, and effective use of AI in the healthcare sector. health. As we move toward a future where AI plays a central role in medicine, this report could serve as a roadmap for navigating the complex health innovation landscape, highlighting the importance of international collaboration, a commitment to ethics, and continued support for research and development. Ultimately, it outlines a vision where AI, guided by humans and guided by informed policies, can significantly transform the way we design and deliver healthcare around the world.
